
Charlie Sheen says he had unprotected love only twice

When Sheen, who was in Sweden to promote intimate lifestyle products, was asked about the circumstances of going public about the diagnosis, he again became testy, saying, “I’ve already talked about that”. The former ladies man also said that it was hard to pick up girls with the line, “Hey, I’ve got HIV – busy later?”


Spreading the safe sex message, he added: “In a nutshell, they sent me one (of the condoms)”. I’m fine with that. At the time, Sheen was flattered. “So it has happened as a result of everybody else and myself having the knowledge, and that’s fine”, he said. If not, no big deal. I am spending a lot of time with my family and children.

When it comes to politics, Charlie is very outspoken about one candidate in particular, calling Donald Trump a “charlatan” and relating the story of how he came to realize that Trump was a fraud from the very beginning.

Five years ago, while Sheen was engaged to Brooke Mueller, Donald Trump apologised for not being able to attend their wedding, even though he wasn’t invited.

Sheen is decidedly no fan of his fellow Comedy Central roastee, ever since he received–as a wedding gift–what Trump said were platinum diamond cufflinks.

Some have said he was a curious choice given his history, but Charlie has his own perspective. It all seemed like a great honor, until, months later, Charlie took them to an appraiser and learned that they weren’t really as valuable as he had assumed. Now Piers Morgan is, of course, a professional mouth-breather who’s failed upward his entire career, and whose latest embarrassment has been serving as a cheerleader for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump (he once laughed at Donald as the real estate heir sexually harassed a female contestant on The Apprentice).


Trump told Sheen that he wanted to give him an early wedding present.

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