
Chart shows how common mass shootings are in America

He reiterated information from local authorities that it is “possible that this was terrorist related” – but that’s still unclear.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump also suggested Obama was dodging the issue. “I have no concern about what that man says about gun control or the gun issue”, said Marcus.

“Gun ownership is so ingrained and indoctrinated in what it means to be American somehow”, Ms Chaplin said.

In 2014 alone, the gun lobby spent over $30 million on political advertising and lobbying to influence legislators in Congress and state capitals across the country. One day after a mass shooting in California that killed 14 people and wounded 21, Republicans and Democrats in the US Senate jousted yesterday over gun control but again failed to advance legislation addressing the violence.

“How we stop those?” Some people in Washington are using the event to push for stricter gun laws, while others believe the answer lies elsewhere.

“I think there could be a better way to do a background checks, I think that’s critical to address at this point”, D. Michalik said.

The National Rifle Association’s assumed stranglehold on Senate GOP has manifested itself in the voting against a law that would block suspected terrorists, the mentally unfit and felons from purchasing guns.

Everything that will be said about this shooting has been said in the aftermath of others. While “mass shooting” conjures images of bloodbaths like San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, or Columbine, 147 of the shootings tracked by Shooting Tracker actually didn’t result in a single death.

Addressing those questions will become a far more complex debate – with fewer clear-cut policy prescriptions – than the well-trod conversation over gun control.

But if we only try to talk about guns when there are mass shootings, it allows Republicans to say, “It’s not about the guns – this guy was just insane!”

Clinton also wants to crack down on terrorism by prohibiting people on the no-fly list from buying guns.

In the wake of the latest gun tragedy Obama expressed sympathy for the victims and said the United States needs to pass laws to “make it a little harder” for people seeking to do harm to get access to weapons.

An FBI spokesman said the law enforcement search of the home had been completed and the home turned back over to the landlord, who invited reporters in.


“If somebody is too unsafe to board an airplane (because they are on a terrorist watch list), they are too risky to buy a gun”, Feinstein said at a press conference with seven Democratic senators. And as for the desensitization of Americans, Watts noted that many Americans don’t realize, or don’t think about, the fact that an average of 88 Americans are killed by guns every day. But I do know that while thoughts and prayers are important, they are insufficient and it is long past time for action.

It isn't about assault weapons, it's about access to guns in the first place