
Chatbot lawyer overturns 160000 parking tickets in London and NY

British programmer Joshua Browder, 19, launched the beta version of the bot in London in September.


The next time you get a parking ticket, let the robot lawyer handle it for you.

These include queries on whether there were any visible parking signs at the location where the ticket was given.

The DoNotPay app joins ones like Off The Record, which helps drivers fight traffic tickets, as new ways to balance the ongoing battle between drivers and the municipalities they drive (and park) in.

The artificial-intelligence lawyer shows how bots can seriously help people settle hard and costly issues instead of just being used for things like ordering food. He considers DoNotPay “the world’s first robot lawyer” and true to form, it’s helped motorists beat 160,000 parking tickets in the 21 months since it was released in London and later in NY.

Here’s how it works: simply visit DoNotPay and make an account. Once you’ve selected a reason, there might be a followup question, followed by a form to fill out with your ticket details.

Many companies are investing in bots, most notably Facebook.

ANYONE WHO has seen the rise of the bots in recent months and has yet to see the point, prepare to see something good. “I think they’re being exploited as a revenue source by the local government”, he said. “But there’s a lot of potential for these bots to really help people”.

Browder hopes to extend DoNotPay to Seattle this fall, according to the VentureBeat post. But he is also working on bots that can assist people in other ways.

Future projects planned by Browder are a little more complex, including helping Syrian refugees apply for asylum in Europe (in large part by translating Arabic to English), and digging into tenant-landlord disputes.


Since the creation of DoNotPay, Browder has begun work on a bot to help people with HIV understand their legal rights and one to collect compensation for people whose flights were delayed beyond four hours.

The lawyer chatbot has been useful for handling parking tickets and getting flight compensation