
Cheap Gas Prices Creep Closer to $1 Per Gallon

AAA found that self-serve, regular is selling for as low as $1.71 per gallon and as high as $1.94.


For the cheapest gas in the nation you have to head to Oklahoma City.

“Wholesale gasoline prices in the Midwest have lost more than half of their value since the beginning of the year and prices at the pump haven’t fully reflected that yet”, Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy, said in a release.

More price cuts at the gas pump could be in store for MI drivers.

Gas prices continue to tumble across the US, leaving giddy motorists to wonder just how much lower they can go. Prices have since rebounded, with most stations in the community reporting prices of $1.36 to $1.40 a gallon, according to

Kloza still expects gas price to remain cheap with an average in between $2.25 to $2.50 a gallon in 2016.

The price of a gallon of gasoline in MA has dropped for the ninth consecutive week, making it the cheapest it’s been in seven years.

MELROSE, MA-Although gasoline prices have stayed relatively close to last week’s totals, the Commonwealth has still seen falling gas prices across the board.


AAA says crude oil inventories are at their highest level for this time of year in nearly eight decades.

Chicagoans pay less than national average at the pump