
Check those Powerball tickets for secondary prizes

The crush of customers gobbled up all of the Powerball tickets by 2 p.m., so King said she would be driving to Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday night to get more tickets.


The odds of winning the growing Powerball jackpot – around 300 million to 1 – are infinitesimal, but that hasn’t stopped hordes of Americans from buying tickets and pushing the prize up to $1.5 billion. With reliable online lottery ticket agents like The Lotter, Play USA Lotteries and Play Huge Lottos offering tickets for the Powerball lottery, the jackpot is now accessible to everyone from around the world. Lottery officials expect at least 80 percent of the 292.2 million number combinations will be purchased before Wednesday’s drawing.

The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot increase with the more tickets you buy. But if you put every dime of your winnings in and took out a $250 million loan, you might be able to buy 50 percent of the Golden State Warriors, who are worth around $1.5 billion.

The Powerball lottery is available in 44 states, District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The store has had several lottery winners in the past.

Some retailers scoring the biggest sales are in states bordering the handful that do not participate in the Powerball, he said.

Tonight’s drawing is the biggest in history – twice as big as the last record-setting jackpot. They are not sold in Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada and Utah.

The previous record for a US lottery jackpot was $656 million.

The law states that “all persons are prohibited from importing into the United States from any foreign country… any lottery ticket, or any printed paper that may be used as a lottery ticket, or any advertisement of any lottery”. Tickets are $2 each, and sales stop 59 minutes before the drawing, but may end earlier in some states.


CNN says 114 people won a million dollars in 2015, but never came forward to claim it. The reason: they hear that no one won the Powerball, so they throw their ticket away.

That's US$1.5 billion with ab; lottery offers Canadians crack at instant wealth