
Chelsea Clinton: 12 things to know before she takes the DNC stage

“It isn’t something that had occurred to me, but it’s something I would consider”, Chelsea Clinton said on the Today show, when asked about convening a “children’s summit” or “daughters summit” to discuss the tone of the campaign.


Yes, yes, yes. Chelsea Clinton is not the most charismatic orator-as the Twittersphere was happy to point out during her brief address on Thursday night.

During her speech at the convention, Ivanka Trump proclaimed that her father would support women in and out of the workplace. I hope someday my children will be as proud of me as I am of my mom.

The two women haven’t made public appearances together since their parents became political rivals in the upcoming presidential election. While Bill might speak at a lunch or do the occasional photo opp, Perry said she thinks Chelsea would be well-suited for more involved meet-and-greets, or events.

I thought that the pundits, as is their wont, would surely find some way to insult and diminish her, as they’ve doing with varying degrees of cruelty since she was twelve years old, and when I was one of those little girls watching at home.

President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had also given speeches supporting Clinton, casting her as qualified for the Oval Office because of her experience as a former secretary of state, USA senator and first lady, but also because of her loyalty and passion. Now, it’s more common to see the daughters of politicians entering the fray, Smith said, and Chelsea could be one of them. But now she’s embraced the role as a surrogate for her mother, taking on a major part in her family’s foundation. “So I think the how question is super important um in politics as it is in life”. She even praised her counterpart’s RNC speech: “She was great”.

After graduation from Stanford, Chelsea Clinton headed across the pond for graduate studies at Oxford University, like her father had. Both women are in their 30s and both are new moms.

That’s how daughter Chelsea Clinton is describing her mom as she introduces the presidential candidate at the Democratic convention.

“He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him”, Ivanka Trump said from that podium last Thursday. “But no I haven’t spoken to her in a long time”.


Chelsea reflected on her childhood memories and the wonderful times she spent with her mother. I’ve seen her holding the hands of mothers anxious about how they will feed their kids, anxious about how they will get them the healthcare they need. I think what were seeing here in Philadelphia is a very strong contrast to that.

Media won't ask Chelsea Clinton about her father's treatment of women