
Chelsea Clinton: Call Bill ‘First Laddie’

Clinton is the first woman to secure the presidential nomination for a major political party in the United States, which makes the speech she will deliver on Thursday evening historic.


“Donald Trump says, and this is a quote, ‘I know more about ISIS than the generals do.’ No, Donald, you don’t”, the candidate said.

“She makes the same declaration on behalf of the LGBT community”, Clinton said during the second night of the Democratic National Convention.

Yet hundreds of his supporters still aren’t on board.

“And I couldn’t imagine a better president for them”.

For the most part, the media abided by a ban on writing about her awkward years, as it does for other White House children.

Clinton is at a disadvantage with millennial voters who flocked to support Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. He noted that Sanders’ influence pushed the adoption of the most inclusive and progressive platform in the party’s history. Germany’s Angela Merkel has led her country to a new prominence.

He wanted to acknowledge some of the state’s most famous women, while also giving a shout out to his family. Don’t know if that’s because she’s a Clinton. This even after the nominee created some incredible front-page optics, appearing on screen at the DNC following her husband’s speech and literally smashing through a glass ceiling of former presidents.

Women in Clinton’s generation see her candidacy as the capstone of decades of hard-fought battles to achieve equal rights. That makes the industrial Midwest, along with Florida and Virginia, the real battleground.

Former president Bill Clinton attempted to personalize his wife last night during a prime time address.

After spending time as a management consultant and as a correspondent for NBC, Chelsea Clinton now works for the Clinton Foundation and recently wrote a book for middle-school aged kids.

“The fundamental question that people are asking in this election is ‘Who’s looking out for me, who’s going to level the playing field for me, who’s got my back?'” said Mo Elleithee, an official on her 2008 campaign who is now a scholar at Georgetown University.

Where Clinton has struggled is in presenting a clear and compelling rationale for her presidency. “She really doesn’t see in a real face-to-face way what happens in the streets with people“.

Many Sanders supporters held out believing they could push through the nomination after having Sanders name included in the party’s roll call. “She’s been there for us, even if we haven’t always noticed”, he said. She could not have been more informal or charming. She has been active in the campaign, as with her mother’s past campaigns.

Jackie Baumgardner, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, a Democrat who volunteered to help delegates with disabilities, said, “I think we were all lifted up tonight and we’re going to work to get her elected”.


Let’s hope and pray that the corrupt Hillary Clinton will be soundly defeated, and we will never have to worry what to call her degenerate husband. To do that, Clinton must draw a sharp contrast with Trump’s rhetoric and policies. The appearance of him encouraging Russian Federation to meddle in the presidential campaign enraged Democrats and Republicans, even as he dismissed suggestions from Obama and other Democrats that Moscow already was intervening on his behalf.

Rob Dobi for NPR