
Chelsea Clinton Caught Off Guard as Man Confronts Her With Series of

In a video obtained by the American Mirror’s Olaf Ekberg, a conservative journalist confronted Chelsea Clinton at a stop on her book tour and inquired whether she knew herself to be a bastard and her father a pedophile.


Conservative activist Robert Morrow attended Chelsea Clinton’s book signing in Austin, Texas Friday with camera in hand.

Her staff tried to usher him on but Chelsea heard him out. Of course it figures that the dude posted the video without making any comments about how he basically got nothing out of her, and makes it seem like he totally questioned her. Chelsea Clinton reportedly remained calm and responded, “I am proud to be my parents’ daughter”.

First, Morrow asked if Chelsea about a rumor that has been circulating for decades – that her “real father” is not former President Bill Clinton, but Clinton friend Webster Hubbell.

Morrow then asked Chelsea, “This book right here, you say it’s targeted towards teenage girls?”

The book, It’s Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going!

Clinton demonstrated her thick skin and maintained a smile.

She replied that it’s “targeted to kids, actually, girls and boys”.


He responded: ‘Would you say Bill Clinton also targets teenage girls, except for sexual reasons?’ He’s open about his disdain for the political family and even wrote a book called “The Clintons’ War on Women”.

Chelsea Clinton Paternity Scandal Video Is Bill Clinton Her Father