
Chelsea Clinton to Campaign for Her Mother Hillary in Scranton

After the convention, he delivered his message through a spokesman: “Treasurer Mandel has consistently said he will support the Republican nominee for president, so he will be supporting Donald Trump”. He also has criticized Chinese currency manipulation. There are 38 on Clinton’s “issues” page, ranging from efforts to cure Alzheimer’s disease to Wall Street and criminal justice reform, and her campaign boasts that it has now released 65 policy fact sheets, totaling 112,735 words. Both President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney enjoyed substantially stronger support at this point in the summer of 2012 than either Trump or Clinton does now.


Significantly more young Hispanics, African-Americans and Asian-Americans say Clinton than Trump would better handle dealing with immigrants who are already in the country illegally.

The Republican nominee must improve his standing with voters who are not white men to have a chance.

WikiLeaks has threatened to release more damaging information before the end of the election.

Trump will be accompanied by Detroit city’s Ben Carson. Two weeks ago, he rallied supporters in the Lansing area and declared Michigan’s manufacturing sector “a disaster,” a statement that Gov. Rick Snyder rebutted August 26 by noting that the Great Lakes state has generated the most manufacturing jobs in the nation during the past few years.

As we approach the Labor Day starting line, four important gaps need to be recognized and assessed.

It’s also hard to overstate just how significant Trump’s poor performance among Catholics is. And a new, huge survey shows Trump isn’t just losing the Latino vote – he’s losing it by far more than the past few decades of Republican presidential candidates.

As the percentage of people of color continues to grow and changes the face of the electorate, Wilkerson said, “it’s pivotal that every campaign court black and brown people and every national political party, especially the two major parties, compete for an electorate that is growing too fast to not consider”. “By far the biggest losses occurred in motor vehicles and parts, which lost almost 740,000 manufacturing jobs”.

Beyond his concerns about the moderators, Trump has complained about the schedule; two debates conflict with prime-time National Football League games.

He said, “Hillary is really going to need him.because the plate is so full”. His running mate, Mike Pence, describes him as “a CEO at work” as he consults with various stakeholders. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, used during the GOP primaries. Some people said it was hardening, some said softening.

Michigan, home of 16 of the 270 electoral votes that are needed to win the White House, is noticeably absent from the list. The crossover pattern is similar among Republicans, with Trump receiving 81% of the vote, Clinton 7% and Johnson 10%.

At his campaign rally in Wilmington, Trump did his best to sour any excitement for Clinton.

Clinton’s campaign spokesman Brian Fallon sought to cut short any such notion, tweeting: “Asked abt briefings in late ’12, Clinton said 2 things: (1) she couldn’t recall each briefing (2) she missed part of that time due to health”.

This news led to some concern that the results in November could be tampered with, but state and law enforcement officials in Arizona and IL have said that while it is a serious matter because voter information could have been stolen, they are not concerned about the integrity of voting systems, which are mainly kept offline. But Trump’s numbers have not seen equal increases.

The activity is not unusual for unions, but Bowman suggested the frequency has ramped up this year.

Experts say that Mr Trump is also tapping into something of a time-honoured tradition in American politics – upping the perceived stakes to get out the vote.

But Trump has managed to persuade many working-class whites that illegal immigrants destroy neighborhoods, peddle drugs, murder innocents and drive down wages. “It worked for Richard Nixon”. NOVA has become a Democratic stronghold in recent cycles, a topic I covered in some detail in my book Going Red, so a lack of strength there is certainly intriguing.

“Same thing in OH and Pennsylvania”, Feehery said.


SOLID DEMOCRATIC: California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maine 2nd District, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington state. What we’re seeing in the last week or two is kind of coming back to where we were back in July.

Organisers name moderators for US presidential debates