
Chelsea Clinton will remain on foundation board if Hillary wins

This week, the GOP seemed to focus a little less on Hillary Clinton’s emails and a lot more on her schedule from her time as secretary of state.


In fact, emails to and from Clinton confidante Huma Abedin show that access-seekers associated with the foundation often were rebuffed.

“And former President Clinton also played as a role as a coordinator for relief efforts in his role as the U.S. Special Envoy – or U.N. Special Envoy for Haiti”.

In a separate exchange, Abedin forwarded to Band – outside the State Department – an attachment entitled “Updated China RSVP Guest List 1-5-11”.

“I’m going to have ambassador ride on next drive”, wrote Abedin in an email with “Favour” as the subject to Lauren Jiloty, Clinton’s personal assistant. The New York Times reported recently that she told the Federal Bureau of Investigation former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use a personal email account, though Mr. Powell didn’t use a private server run out of his home the way Mrs. Clinton did. It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. If you really want to help the poor, shut down the Clinton Foundation and redirect those hundreds of millions to charities that actually do what they say they do. “This whole email controversy, which has dogged her and her campaign for a long time, I suspect would have been a much smaller controversy if a year ago, she had used language like that”, Himes said. Numerous exchanges involve former top Foundation executive Doug Band. The ex-president, who oversees the foundation with daughter Chelsea Clinton, also said he would hold his final Clinton Global Initiative meeting next month in NY regardless of the election’s outcome. “I think winding down the program takes time”. But ethics experts and Clinton’s Republican opponents say its reliance on millions of dollars from foreign governments and powerful businesses makes her vulnerable to charges her donors could expect favourable treatment from the White House, which her campaign says is unfounded.

The Clinton campaign of course cried foul on several aspects of the analysis, including that it covered only the first half of Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

“Voters deserve to know the truth before they cast their ballots, but once again the rigged system is rushing to protect Hillary Clinton”, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement. She also pointed to the presidential library and Clinton center in Little Rock, Ark. It didn’t help when the wire service refused to respond to criticism of the tweet, including a request from the Clinton campaign that it be amended or deleted.


According to the Foundation website, the UBS Wealth Management USA has contributed between $500,001 and $1 million to the Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation has given between $10 million and $25 million, while Western Union and its foundation has contributed between $1 million and $5 million.

Bill Clinton to step down from board of Clinton Foundation if Hillary elected