
Chelsea Manning in strife over Vanity Fair

Chelsea Manning is facing indefinite solitary confinement for being found in possession with a copy of Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair issue, according to her lawyer. As someone who leaked evidence of government abuse and has publicly been calling for reforms during her time in prison, there seems to be a concerted effort to cut Manning even further off from the public, and given her health problems in the past solitary confinement period, it’s no guarantee she’ll even survive the 35-year sentence to keep calling for reforms throughout. Manning is scheduled for an August. 18 hearing to review charges of disrespect, disorderly conduct, prohibited property, and medicine misuse.


“This is like prison disciplinary infractions in a civilian prison and there will be a hearing, but frankly it looks to me like harassment”, Ms Hollander said.

A website devoted to helping Manning alleged she faces a hearing next week. Magazines confiscated include the Vanity Fair “Call me Caitlyn” issue with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover and a Cosmopolitan with an interview of Manning. It appears to be an attempt to silence her.

A Pentagon spokeswoman was unaware of the charges and directed inquires to the U.S. Army, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment or to clarify what kind of reading material was banned at the prison. “She is vocal. Certainly its not a national security issue”.

The previous intelligence expert, previously referred to as Bradley Manning, was charged in 2013 of espionage along with other crimes for delivering over 700, while employed in Iraq 000 files.

The Pentagon said last year the US Army will provide gender identity treatment for Manning.


“During dinner chow, inmate Manning was approached by a correctional specialist to inform inmate Manning to be aware of her surroundings because the correctional specialist was nearly hit with some food inmate Manning swept off the table”, the official report said.

Chelsea Manning faces solitary confinement for having Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair issue