
Chemical Industry Skeptical of Clean Power Plan

This plan sets the first ever federal limits on now unrestricted carbon pollution from existing power plants, invests in clean, renewable energy, and boosts energy efficiency.


“There is tremendous potential for energy savings performance contracting and distributed generation to support the Clean Power Plan, and we will continue to advocate for states to maximize those opportunities”, said Sakellaris. This plan will have a great impact in helping the environment from pollution and climate change.

Minister for Climate Change Mushahidullah Khan on Tuesday called upon top global polluters to step up their carbon emission mitigation efforts by increasing the use of clean energy sources.

US President Barack Obama has launched his long-awaited plan to cut carbon emissions and convince the world he means business when it comes to fighting climate change.

During the Clean Power Plan comment period, the Center for Rural Affairs helped almost 1100 rural and small town Americans submit comments in support of a strong carbon rule.

The power plants in the United States are one of the biggest sources of Carbon dioxide emissions, making up 32 per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions.

While Pence has been outspoken in his opposition, state environmental groups praised the new rules.

New York’s agriculture industry and ski resorts in the state are applauding the plan, Enck said, because climate change threatens to hurt their bottom line in the decades ahead. In addition, Republican presidential hopefuls are also opposing the economics of this plan and feel that it will be disastrous and cost too much to implement.

Senate Majority Leader said the new rules would shutter power plants and drive up electricity costs. The cheering is on target: Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan will be the single largest action the country has taken to combat global warming.


Each state now has an individualized emissions reduction target to meet – in some cases higher than Obama’s previous proposal, in some cases lower. It’s hard to see how that can occur and the plan also reduce the average American’s monthly electricity bill by 7 percent in 2030, as the Obama administration projects.

4 charts that show Barack Obama is right to be terrified of climate change, as