
Chicago calm a day after release of video of police shooting teenager

The video came out during the probate proceedings, but the teen’s mother did not want it made public.


THE IMAGES, released by Chicago police on November 24th, are appalling.

Mayor Betsy Hodges praised police for swiftly arresting suspects in the “abhorrent shooting” and said the city is “sparing no efforts to bring any and all those responsible to justice”.

Chicago police released four new videos Wednesday, a day after the first horrific footage from the shooting surfaced.

Van Dyke turned himself in just before the video was released Tuesday.

Several 2016 hopefuls weighed in Wednesday on the shooting death of a black teenager by a white Chicago police officer.

In his message, Obama urged for peaceful demonstrations. She said cases involving police present “highly complex” legal issues and that she would rather take the time to get it right than “rush to judgment”.

A group of activists is expected to meet Wednesday to call for an independent investigation of police conduct.

After announcing the existence of the video last December and called for its release, Kalven obtained a copy of McDonald’s autopsy in February, which contradicted the official story that McDonald had died of a single gunshot to the chest.

Malcolm London, 22, was charged with hitting an officer.

“The video that was released to the public [on Tuesday] was the most complete video that we had”, Quinn said.

“He said if they had done something about this cop in our case, this young boy would still be alive”.

London, who was wearing a T-shirt with the phrase “Unapologetically black” on it, walked outside the courthouse to loud cheers.

Prosecutors did not say why their office recommended dropping the charge.

“A key thing to remember is there hasn’t been a violent protest or a riot in Chicago in 40 years, so not many people expect it to happen now, even though the video is kind of horrific”.

Members of the Chicago City Council’s black caucus have demanded the resignation of Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.

“If we do not hear from the mayor, there will be a uprising starting on Friday at the Magnificent Mile”, said one protestor. “If the department did look at these patterns when investigating police abuse, there is a great chance right now that 17-year-old boy would still be alive”. So has Hillary Clinton: “We can not go on like this”, she said. Alvarez said the video “will tear at the hearts of all Chicagoans”. “The reason my client Jason fired his weapon that evening back in October 2014 is that he truly was in fear for his life as well as the lives of his fellow police officers”, Herbert said.

A 38-year-old man from Murrieta, California, was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanors for carrying a stun gun and a knife.

McDonald – who was holding a knife when he was shot and had earlier slashed the tires of a police cruiser – made no threatening gestures to justify the use of deadly force, Alvarez said.

A 22-year-old Chicago man, Malcolm London, was arrested and charged with aggravated battery of a police officer.


“The information indicates that officers leaving the police stations could be targeted because officers will not be on guard or ready if fired upon”, the alert says.

A man holds a sign during a protest for 17-year-old Laquan Mc Donald in Chicago Illinois early Wednesday. — AP