
Chicago mayor confident in city attorneys

“Jon Burge’s actions are a disgrace to Chicago and to the hard-working men and women of the police department, but most importantly to those he was sworn to protect”, Emanuel said in the Tuesday press release.


Federal judge Edmond Chang has imposed sanctions and penalties against the city of Chicago because Marsh failed to turn over an audio recording involving the fatal 2011 police shooting of Pinex and then lied about doing it.

Sharon Fairley, newly-appointed leader of the Independent Police Review Authority, speaks during a news conference in front of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Monday, Dec. 7, 2015, in Chicago.

“As we move forward, it is my strong belief that as other cities across this country address and look at their police issues in their communities, they will be able to say, ‘Let’s look at Cleveland because Cleveland has done it right, ‘ ” Frank Jackson, the city’s mayor, said. Officers Raoul Mosqueda and Gildardo Sierra claimed in court that they pulled Pinex over because his Oldsmobile matched the description of a vehicle linked to an earlier shooting. They said they shot Pinex after he refused their orders and put his auto in reverse. But records emerged after the trial began that officers weren’t listening to the channel broadcasting the radio traffic about the suspect’s auto.

Jordan Marsh, a senior city Corporation counsel, resigned after the judge’s accusation.

In Chicago, prosecutors took more than a year to bring murder charges against police officer Jason Van Dyke in the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, who was shown in the video walking away from police while holding a knife.

The reparations were part of an ordinance the City Council passed past year that also mandated a formal apology, the construction of a memorial to the victims and the addition of the police torture to the city’s school history curriculum.

“There’s just a total disregard for the truth, and it runs to the highest levels”, Steve Greenberg, the attorney representing Pinex’s family said Monday.

“There is a culture there of, ‘We are protecting the good guys, police, against bad guys and so we should be able to bend the rules to protect them”, said Hamilton.


“I’m very disappointed in the mayor and in the state’s attorney for Cook County”, Rauner told reporters after being asked to assess Emanuel’s job performance. And the calls for his resignation have largely come from grassroots activists and residents, not from the city’s political powerbrokers.

Sharon Fairley acting head of the watchdog Independent