
Chicago police officer who fatally shot teen due in court

Checks can also be made out to Tiffany Van Dyke, whose GoFundMe page to raise money to pay for her husband’s bail was removed last week. Although the page did not mention her husband by name, it described him as a 15-year veteran officer “fighting for his freedom and justice”.


The university said Monday afternoon that plans for Tuesday would be announced late on Monday.

“It wasn’t going to be much longer, it really wasn’t”, Alvarez said. Some are calling for the resignation of Chicago Police Supt.

Judge Peggy Chiampas said the state’s attorney’s office recommended dropping the charge against 22-year-old Malcolm London and told London he was free to go.

McDonald was fatally shot by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke in October of 2014.

Panarese was apparently watching the video for the first time, and he asked Assistant State’s Attorney William Delaney if there was any sound on the recording. McDonald had allegedly attacked a police vehicle while on PCP.

“There’s no audio, judge”, Delaney said. MORE DASH-CAM VIDEOThe ABC7 I-Team uncovered other dash-cam video of the moments leading up to the shooting, including the camera from Van Dyke’s squad auto. McDonald spins around and collapses on the pavement. Van Dyke defended the shooting, saying he feared for his life and that McDonald was armed with a knife. Alvarez said last week that the three-inch blade recovered from the scene had been folded into the handle. “He is very scared about the consequences that he’s facing, he’s concerned for his wife and his children, but he is handling it like a professional and he is ready to move on and take this step by step”.

Unlike many unwitting shoppers, the swarm of protesters who aimed to disrupt “business as usual” on Black Friday Downtown in memory of police shooting victim Laquan McDonald got what they wanted. “Honestly it’s the cold that’s likely to scare us away first”, said Christopher Smithe, who was visiting from London with his girlfriend. Police said the teen had lunged at officers and didn’t heed orders to drop the knife. Garry McCarthy in the wake of the Laquan McDonald shooting.

Van Dyke appeared in court with his hands and feet in shackles and wore a Department of Corrections coverall. One person died in each attack. He was unarmed but brought along an inhaler he uses to treat his asthma, according to the records.

The Task Force on Police Accountability will review the processes that hold Chicago’s police officers accountable, as well as oversight and training for the department. If convicted, he could serve the maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Earlier in the day, demonstrators showed up at City Hall with coffins.

The video was released to the public on Tuesday evening and has been viewed by millions online.

An autopsy showed McDonald had wounds in the scalp, neck, chest, left elbow, both arms, and his back, and only two of the wounds-to the lower back and upper leg- could be “definitively linked” to the seconds when McDonald was standing.


Protesters took to Chicago streets for several days after the video release and the announcement of the charges.

Jason Van Dyke