
Chicago police recommend 7 officers fired in McDonald case

A ninth officer, a woman, was not recommended for firing by Johnson although an Inspector General report found she should be fired as well, according to the Sun-Times.


The officers violated Rule 14, which prohibits “making a false report, written or oral”, Johnson said.

The police officer who killed a black motorist in a shooting whose bloody aftermath was livestreamed on Facebook was defended by his chief Wednesday as a level-headed member of the force with “a real sound ability when it”.

Escalante was initially named interim superintendent late a year ago, replacing Garry McCarthy after his resignation, but Emanuel ultimately passed him over to select Johnson as superintendent.

“I am very happy”, said Jedidiah Brown, a leader of a group called Chicago Life, which has participated in protests against the police. “I think Eddie Johnson gets it”.

News of the report comes as the department announced the retirement Deputy Chief David McNaughton, who determined the shooting by Officer Jason Van Dyke complied with department policy.

The inspector general’s report centered on the actions of 10 officers. Van Dyke was charged with McDonald’s murder in November of 2015, yet there are still countless stories of officers shooting down citizens around the country and facing no charges at all.

The officers facing possible discipline either provided or approved accounts that differed from what the video shows about the incident.

In it, Van Dyke is seen stepping from a squad vehicle and shooting nearly immediately.

Video released a year later shows McDonald moving away from police when he was shot 16 times, including a few shots as he was prone on the ground.


“Our formal response to the inspector general was sent this morning”. The OIG also recommended three other officers for separation, but Guglielmi said two of those officers retired and that the department disagreed with the OIG on the third officer, citing a lack of evidence. This includes the preparation of derivative works of, or the incorporation of such content into other works. Doing so may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Please see our terms of service for more information.

John Escalante then Chicago's Interim police superintendent speaks at a news conference in Chicago