
China must abide by same rules as everyone else – Biden

Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Yasuhisa Kawamura said Mr Abe “reiterated the fundamental positions regarding the South China Sea” during his meeting with Mr Li.


In the statement of all 28 European Union governments, the bloc acknowledged Tuesday’s ruling in The Hague and said it was “committed to maintaining a legal order of the seas and oceans”. It has reacted angrily to calls for the decision to be adhered to.

China has won the support of Laos in rejecting the outcome of a court ruling against China’s claims in the South China Sea, state news agency Xinhua said on Friday.

Credit watcher Moody’s Investors Service said Friday an worldwide tribunal’s ruling on South China Sea will have a minimal impact on the Philippines’ and China’s debt ratings.

“We expect China to play by the same rules as everyone else”, Biden told the Sydney Morning Herald in comments published Saturday, July 16, referring to the global rules-based system that governs claims to maritime territory.

Speaking at the regional ASEM summit in Mongolia on Friday, Philippine Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay said Manila “strongly affirms its respect for the milestone decision” while reiterating his call for “restraint and sobriety”.

China and Japan have had bitter disputes over sovereignty of the East China Sea, but Japan is not a claimant state of the South China Sea.

China claims much of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion of trade moves annually. “Exports of goods to China also accounted for 2.1 percent of Philippine GDP [gross domestic product], making it its fourth largest market”, Moody’s said.

“Australia is not a party to the South China Sea issue, ‘ Lu emphasized”. It said this view had not changed after the tribunal’s ruling.

Mr Wang admitted China had installed military equipment on reclaimed islands in the sea, as well as four lighthouses and maintenance and rescue centres.

He said: “Carefully talk and cautiously behave”.

President Rodrigo R. Duterte said on Thursday he will consult several people, including former President Fidel V. Ramos, to help the government discuss the issue with China and will even ask Ramos to go to China for this goal. China has said the award is invalid and will neither accept nor recognize it.

Immediately after the ruling, the normally brash and outspoken Mr Duterte privately told his ministers to be magnanimous and not to pique Beijing, according to one minister.

The Hindu has added: “Beijing included the development of two marine nuclear power plants, to be built by the China National Nuclear Corporation and the China General Nuclear Power Corporation respectively, in its five-year plan for 2016-2020, both companies announced this year”.


Adm John Richardson, chief of naval operations, will meet the commander of the People’s Liberation Army’s Navy, Adm Wu Shengli, during his trip to the Chinese capital of Beijing and the port city of Qingdao starting Sunday.

Palace continues to use diplomatic ways to address West Philippine Sea issue