
China Promises Unforgettable Experiences of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Now, Beijing will be the first do it – and in the span of just 14 years.


Beijing will be the only city to host the summer and winter Olympic Games after being awarded the 2022 Winter Games by the global Olympic Committee.

The prime minister directly addressed the idea that the IOC considers China a safer, more dependable choice.

Bach bristled when asked at a news conference about the possibility of any voting irregularities.

As far as Beijing is concerned, it should be interesting to see how organizers will come up with lots of snow with the area known to be suffering from droughts and bad air quality.

“I hope the games could a benefit of the population in China“.

Massimov’s presentation earlier on Friday in front of the IOC was widely praised as outstanding and the narrow margin of the defeat, which many observers had not expected, showed Almaty had made more friends within the IOC than previously thought. “In fact, we are quite the opposite….”

IOC guest Wilson said the reasons for ‘s win were the existing facilities, the security and the economy. But when you’re dealing with the IOC, who knows. The company also launched a limited edition commemorative can in Zhangjiakou “to share the joy with consumers in Hebei Province”, the paper said. I think they did a great job. “Beijing will now be the world’s first city to host both a Summer and Winter Olympics although the Chinese authorities are pressing on with a major crackdown on journalists and bloggers”. “Today, Beijing together with Zhangjiakou has won the bid to host the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games“, President Xi said in the letter.

The IOC had two possible places for the games and voted between Beijing and Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The decision, however, earned the ire of some human rights activists.

Liu pledged that China would work hard under the guidance of the IOC to present a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Winter Olympics.

The Beijing 2022 Bid Committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but said this week that sport should be kept separate from politics.

The IOC opted for a safe pair of hands after four of the initial six candidates – including winter sports powerhouses Stockholm and Oslo – had pulled out of the campaign due to lack of local support or financial concerns. China’s political and economic might was a big advantage against its northwestern neighbor, which became independent in 1991.

Almaty bid vice chairman Andrey Kryukov said the city would consider bidding again.

In the contest for the hosting of the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics, Lausanne edged out the Romanian city of Brasov.


Performers organised by the government, many in matching white outfits, danced and waved Chinese flags in front of the Bird’s Nest, the centrepiece for the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Beijing successfully staged the summer Olympic Games in 2008