
China reports first case of imported Zika virus

The other mosquito can be found in about 20 states, and may be a transmitter, she said.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued travel notices to the affected regions, including Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Cape Verde and Pacific Islands, including Samoa.

– A third person in Dallas County has preliminarily tested positive for the Zika virus.

There is now no cure or vaccine for the virus which, in most people, causes mild symptoms. Similarly, New Zealand’s Olympic Committee has warned athletes and officials of the risks and a committee spokesman said any competitors who chose to opt out would receive the committee’s “absolute support”.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is encouraging people also to follow travel precautions and avoid mosquito bites as a general health precaution.

The Alabama Department of Public Health has reported the first confirmed travel-related case of the Zika virus in Alabama.

Belo Horizonte declared a state of emergency in December following an infestation of mosquitoes, which can transmit Zika.

Over the last decade, Myles and fellow researcher Zach Adelman have studied mosquito born viruses like West Nile and Yellow Fever.

The Zika virus is spreading rapidly through Latin America.

The biggest concern is whether travelers will promptly see a doctor if they exhibit symptoms.

Zika is suspected of causing microcephaly – a birth defect that causes abnormally small heads and small, sometimes damaged, brains.

A cousin of the mosquito that carries Zika lives here, she said. These two girls, however, have the birth defect because of a genetic condition, not the Zika virus.

Before this diagnosis, there have been three other Oregonians who have had travel-associated Zika since 2014, according to OHA. Rarely, the virus may spread from mother to infant around the time of birth.


Health authorities have said they expect more people to be diagnosed with Zika virus as further detection systems are rolled out. All pregnant women with a history of travel to an area with Zika virus transmission should be evaluated.

US to study Zika link to Guillain-Barre in Puerto Rico