
Chinese police save infant girl from pipe of public toilet in Beijing

“Her head was upside down and her body was falling into the drain”.


Talk about a miracle rescue – a newborn baby in Beijing was saved after witnesses could hear her cries coming from a public restroom.

Devastating photos were released of a horrified police officer lifting the baby girl from the toilet.

Video stills from the harrowing incident capture the moment when the policeman rescued the girl.

Blood around the toilet bowl and the fact that no one has reported the infant trapped or missing suggest the mother gave birth in the public toilet in central Beijing, before abandoning the baby. Police are now searching for the mother.

The baby girl is in stable condition at a hospital in the capital.

In 2013 a Chinese television report found that that more than 10,000 children are abandoned in China every year. Although some are dropped off at “baby safety islands” and taken to orphanages, others are abandoned in public places such as toilets and train stations. Couples who have more than one baby face serious fines.


Officers first on the scene found the baby stuck in the toilet’s pipe leading to the sewer. Rescuers were forced to saw away a section of the pipe with the boy inside, according to Agence France-Presse.

Newborn baby is found stuck head-first down pipe in public toilet