
Chinese President Launches G20 Summit in Presence of Deputy Crown Prince

In June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in a joint statement with US President Barack Obama that India had begun the processes to enable the Paris deal to enter into force.


At the press conference, Juncker reportedly said it was critical for China to accept a method to monitor steel overcapacity and its causes, which had been discussed at earlier meetings in July 2016.

President Barack Obama, however, said on Monday that the distance between the two countries due to lack of trust has hindered reaching an agreement on Syria.

A senior State Department official said a fresh round of talks between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the margins of the G20 summit in Hangzhou had ended without agreement.

Obama and Duterte were set to meeting in Laos this week, where Obama is traveling next to attend a meeting of Southeast Asian leaders.

White House officials said last week that Obama would confront Duterte about the killings. However, U.S. and European officials say the vast Chinese state-owned industry, which accounts for half of worldwide output, is the root of the problem.

But Duterte did not take kindly to that notion. “And we have long ceased to be a colony of the United States”, Duterte continued. Nobody, but nobody. You must be respectful. Obama told reporters he “wouldn’t over-crank the significance” of the airport events. And it may suggest that foreign leaders are now just as interested in who will sit in the Oval Office next as they are in Obama as he heads for the exit. “Son of a b****, I’ll cuss you in that forum”.

Leaders of the Group of 20 major economies voiced opposition to protectionism and agreed to promote free trade further to accelerate global economic growth, reflecting heightening concern about sluggish trade as they concluded a two-day meeting Monday.

At about the same time, Xi was in Hangzhou telling his South Korean counterpart, Park Gyun-hye, that China opposes plans to deploy a USA anti-missile system outside South Korea’s capital, Seoul. Many leaders are already looking ahead to January, when either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump assumes the business of state.

“I’ve yet to hear a persuasive argument from the left or the right” against the TPP, Obama argued during the news conference.

“Back home we’ll have to cut through the noise once election season is over”.

The controversies reflect the way global politics is now a stew of many competing, rising or resurgent powers that see fewer reasons to simply fall into line behind the United States than was the case following World War II and the Cold War.

Even though Obama bemoaned the “terrible attempted coup” that failed to topple Erdogan in July, the Turkish President did not shy away from raising differences with the U.S. in front of the press.


Arriving in the city of Vientiane, Laos for the first visit by a sitting USA president to an area that was heavily bombed by the US during the Vietnam War.

Russian President Vladimir Putin left speaks with US President Barack Obama in Hangzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang province Monday. — AP