
Choosing the right Christmas tree

“My Dad used to say, ‘You’re not selling a tree, you’re selling a tradition, ‘” Miller said. Sunny Hill Tree Farm is a farm that gives the community a chance to spend some time with loved ones while looking for that ideal tree. “It used to be arguments”. He said many families choose to make the trip an annual outing with the family and that he has many customers who return every year and have for decades.


Back Acres owner Brad Barick said, “Business is booking today”. “It’s been really good”. “Since we live right across the street, we bring the whole family along”.

He’ll sell up to 800 of the trees before Christmas.

Some people lament cutting trees for the Christmas season. While picking the ideal Christmas tree may seem like a daunting task, Sunny Hill Tree Farm has some tips on how to keep your tree fresh all season long.

If it is, you might need to get a new tree.

“Our main focus is on kids, support the kids, help out the kids and that’s what we do”.

Many people ventured out after the Thanksgiving holiday in search of the flawless, real Christmas tree.

“Having a big Christmas tree”, says Riley Shey, age five.

No matter the type of tree you get, Kay said they can always become hazards. If we had anything else going on, it would be too much. Even if you buy a tree for $50 or $60 dollars… you can’t go to a movie and take a family of six to a movie for that price.

The family’s farm has been a part of the community for almost 47 years.

“It’s the only thing I know”.

Kaschke spends the hottest months of the year in his Christmas tree “field” trimming the trees and making sure they are shaped perfectly so that one day the tree will be in some lucky person’s home. “We’re excited because it is our baby’s first Christmas”, Daniel Kelley, a tree shopper, said. I wanted the smell and the pine needles to fall on the floor and get annoyed about it and vacuum them up.


For more information about Cooper’s Tree Farm, visit the website.

Real tree or artificial?