
Chris Christie, Not VP, Reportedly ‘Livid’ Over Trump’s Pence Pick

That moment may help Trump score what he needs most from the convention: a picture of a Republican Party united behind his candidacy.


“He wasn’t there to shop”, Manafort said. In fact, social liberals will try to use Pence to tie Trump to the most conservative elements of the GOP.

Trump has since tapped him to lead the presidential transition, a massive hiring-and-organization challenge that would be required if Trump defeats his likely Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton in November.

Protesters say they’re also concerned with the pair’s stance on abortion and LGBT rights, not to mention, Mr Trump’s controversial rhetoric.

In the CBS interview, Trump repeated a claim he often makes: that he opposed the war from the start.

Lesley Stahl also brought up both Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence’s votes for the Iraq war.

Pence has complained that negative campaigning is wrong, and Stahl asks about Trump’s name-calling.

Rothenberg said Pence did “fine” on such points.

However, Utah delegate Aimee Winder Newton says the Trump campaign is passing around a form allowing people to remove their names from the petition. The party said the first night’s theme would be “Make America Safe Again”, followed by a focus on jobs on Tuesday. The featured speakers on Tuesday include Trump’s children Tiffany and Donald Jr.

Trump says he chose Pence to unify the Republican Party; Republican supporters believe the team’s different personalities and insight in Washington will help them win.

The official logo was released by the Republican National Convention and shows the letter T thrusting through the letter P, according to Politico.

But its questionable that they have that level of support needed to do so. Under current rules, they must vote for the candidate who won them. Trump said. “We’re going to do territories”.

Bill Palatucci, one of Christie’s closest advisers, also said Monday morning at a meeting for the New Jersey GOP delegation in Cleveland that the report was inaccurate.

Some states let independents and Democrats participate in Republican nominating contests.

But he expects Trump would mellow if he won the White House.

The Republican Jewish Coalition’s relationship with presumptive nominee Donald Trump is … complicated.

Trump wasn’t in the auto involved in the accident, and Hicks says everyone is OK.


Three officers are dead and three others wounded after the shooting less than 1 mile from local police headquarters. Fox News Channel added to the speculation Tuesday when it said it had suspended its contributor agreement with Gingrich “due to the intense media speculation” about his potential to join Trump’s ticket. Yet his lack of discipline and disorganized campaign has turned off many Republican leaders. “And part of it is that; a big part of it. We need law and order”.

It's Pence: Trump announces his VP choice on Twitter