
Chris Christie Speech at Iowa State Fair Interrupted by Animal Rights Activists

All times are local. Nathan Ludwig of the Iowa State Patrol told the Daily News Saturday. Christie is the second Republican presidential hopeful to attack Carter’s legacy within days after Carter announced that cancer that has spread to his brain.


The suit asks the court to find that actions by Christie and Chris Christie for President Inc. His campaign did not respond to requests for comment Friday.

But Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, another governor running for the White House, has sided with Christie in having taxpayers cover the costs.

The Republican presidential candidate says the political leaders of such cities should themselves face criminal penalties.

“They’re the ones that are the best at it, and we need to put them there”, he said.

Jindal has been stuck toward the bottom of the polls and is struggling to rise.

Jindal did not specifically address how to handle the millions already living in the country illegally.

“A dumb immigration policy makes a country weaker and that is what we have today”, Jindal said.

Speaking Saturday at the Iowa State Fair, Christie said the groups have repeatedly sued him.

The animal welfare advocates were protesting Christie’s veto of New Jersey legislation that would have banned farmers from using confining gestation crates for pigs, which some believe are cruel. Christie, who formally entered the GOP main race June 30, has been spending more and more extra time outdoors New Jersey as he seeks his celebration’s nomination.

Candidates can deliver remarks and take questions from fairgoers.

“When something like that happens, and I’m here in Iowa, man I feel right at home”, Christie said as he regained control of the stage.


During a stop at the fairgrounds’ Iowa Pork Producers tent a few hours later, Christie told Branstad about the interruption. He’s focused his attention on early voting New Hampshire. But Christie has long argued his campaign shouldn’t have to pay the costs for his Executive Protection Unit when he’s traveling for political purposes because the state police protection is mandatory regardless of what he’s doing. “If Gov. Christie wants to continue his quixotic campaign, he should pay for it from his own campaign coffers instead of forcing hardworking taxpayers to foot the bill”.

Chris Christie in Iowa