
Chris Christie Trashes Jeb! over Debate Answer on Fantasy Football

Chris Christie seized an enormous 2nd throughout the GOP presidential debateon Wednesday. night, harshly criticizing Jeb Bush for suggesting potential new authorities laws on daily fantasy football cash leagues. Because I got to tell you the truth, even in New Jersey what you’re doing is called rude.


“Can we stop? Can we just stop?”

He referenced Christie’s slam of the CNBC moderators for a question about whether the federal government should regulate fantasy football.

But his other focus appeared to be Hillary Rodham Clinton, as he repeatedly used his opportunities – which were sparse, until he began interjecting late in the two-hour CNBC debate – to draw contrasts with the former secretary of state, who is the front-runner in the Democratic race. “How about we get the government to do what they’re supposed to be doing?”

Harwood interrupted again, “You mean government?”

That’s not the kind of question to ask if one really wants a civil debate. We have ISIS and al Qaeda attacking us.

When asked if General Motors executives deserved to be in jail for covering up faulty ignition switches as has been alleged.

“It’s like they tried to design a Rubik’s cube for every question to take the worst element, I think, of what the moderators and what the media should bring to the table”, an obviously angry Preibus said.

In his closing statement Christie said he was talking the viewers and said he’s experienced, tested and he’s ready to be President of the United States.

Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie won the third Republican debate Wednesday, political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax TV. He would be relegated to the earlier event, the so-called kiddie table.


John Reitmeyer with NJ Spotlight joins host David Furst to discuss the governor’s relationship with cops in New Jersey.

Chris Christie Praises Breadwinnner Wife Mary Pat: Gender Equality Is Great