
CHRIS CILLIZZA: Who had the worst week in Washington: Ted Cruz

The poll shows that the “birther claims” surrounding the Texas senator could hurt the Texas senator’s chances, with 47 percent saying a person born in another country shouldn’t be president, compared to 32 percent who say it should be allowed.


Trump went after President Obama for riding on Air Force 1, which Trump says creates a large carbon footprint, while advocating for climate change policy. “You got to give three hours of your night”, the member said, as other participants nodded in agreement.

“I don’t agree that it’s ‘settled law, ‘” Tribe said on ABC.

The nuclear triad has been a thorny topic for Trump throughout the campaign.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks at the Goldfield Old Schoolhouse in Goldfield, Iowa.

Seven participants in the focus group went so far as saying that if Trump were the GOP nominee, they would not vote for him. “If Ted is the nominee, he will be sued by the Democrats”. As Trump laid out how he thinks that Cruz’s candidacy would immediately lawsuits from the Democrats, a few people in the crowd nodded along and said “right”. “If we win Iowa, such a big event for me”.

Donald Trump is building an extensive lead in New Hampshire, with nearly one-third of Republicans supporting him there, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

The law is straightforward on this.

Overall, when respondents were told that Cruz was born in Canada, the vast majority – 65% – said it wouldn’t make a difference in whether they support him or not.

Cruz said law enforcement practices now in place will find undocumented immigrants who are living under the radar.

“I hope I win Iowa”. “Trump just gets things going to get people talking”.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, was born to a USA military family in the Panama Canal Zone when it was a US territory. His parents were Mormon missionaries, and yet he was a US citizen by birth because his parents were citizens.

Clinton leads Sanders by 3 points (48-45 percent) in Iowa, while Martin O’Malley sits at 5 percent among likely voters, the poll found. Among a broader group of “potential” Democratic-caucus goers, Clinton improves to 6-points, 49-43 percent. He’s focused more of his energy on the first caucus state of Iowa, where he’s now battling Trump for a first-place finish. “And he seems really genuine”, one participant said. Trump says “the whole game has become screwed up” because “football has become soft like the country has become soft”.


“You think they’re stupid, the politicians, and many of them are, but many of them are just corrupt”.

Ted Cruz