
Chris O’Neill Named CEO, Phil Libin Executive Chairman In Evernote Executive

The new appointment is might be efficient from July 27 and can substitute co-founder Phil Libin, who has now been named Executive Chairman.


Evernote announced Monday that its new CEO is Chris O’Neill, the former head of global business operations at Google X, which develops projects like Google Glass.

Libin told Recode that his decision to resign is largely due to his lack of passion leading a company that’s about to go public. Libin said in his blog post that he wanted to relinquish the office of CEO as he was not passionate about the job. After all, Libin has previously touted goals of netting more than one billion users. Few teams ever get a chance to see their dreams become critically valuable to others, to play a tangible part in shaping an industry, and to measurably bend the world around them.

But as Evernote grows – there are now 150 million users on its service – it will need to figure out what kind of business it is. We have proven the potential. “Now we have to fulfill it”.

In an interview with Re/code, Libin said that O’Neill will likely take Evernote public.

Serving as CEO of a public company typically involves a lot more work than running a private startup, such as dealing with quarterly earnings calls, ramping up sales and marketing teams, while being transparent with shareholders. “Chris can help us achieve Evernote’s potential, so we can help billions of people achieve theirs”.

Libin, a serial entrepreneur who has run the company since 2007, revealed that he was actively hunting for his replacement last month in a report from The Information.


Libin’s role with the company going forward will now involve him staying on as executive chairman, as well as him “doubling down on making great products” at Evernote.

Evernote Evernote CEO Chris O'Neill Phil Libin Evernote new CEO Google X Google X research Google X research head CEO Evernote New Evernote CEO New ceo evernote tech news technology news indian express