
Christian Bale believes he didn’t ‘quite nail’ his role as Batman

Bale also unfavourably compared his performance to that of Heath Ledger, who stunned cinema audiences with his gleefully manic, ferociously unstable portrayal of villain The Joker in middle instalment The Dark Knight, which is widely considered the strongest of the three films.


The 45-year-old actor stared as The Caped Crusader in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” trilogy but, despite being lauded by critics, he is disappointed with his depiction of the DC Comics superhero. Bale said that he had an idea of what he wanted to accomplish with the iconic character, and the end result was different than what he had originally hoped for. Heath did, but my own self of self is like, “I didn’t quite nail it’“.

Surprisingly, Bale was quite open about his own problems with Bruce Wayne and Batman and where he envisioned the character arc for them going.

Christian Bale is known for giving his all whenever he steps in front of camera. Later this month, Ben Affleck will officially take the reins from Bale in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. “The Dark Knight was nearly it, you know?” “Enough’s enough, we did our thing and I’ve got nothing else to offer it”. The earlier Batman had a piece of advice for the current Batman Bale shared his experience about the Batman suit that he wore in his Batman Begins in 2005. Bale said the trailers are “looking great”, and we won’t fight that.


“Right on for Morgan for saying no one will ever beat that, I very much like him”, he smiled. “I don’t think you can beat that”.

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