
Christie, Huckabee bumped from main stage — Fox Business debate

National opinion surveys have played a pivotal role in shaping the contest for the GOP nomination. “This national focus diminishes the significance of the Primary process”. So, I look at the progress we’ve made in Iowa and the progress we’ve made in New Hampshire and say those are the people who are really paying attention right now – we’re doing really well with those folks. While he only received 3 percent support in this week’s Quinnipiac poll, his favorability rate came in at 57 percent – a marked improvement from a poll in March.


According to the latest Real Clear Politics average of the most recent national polls, Christie got the support of 2% of GOP voters, just shy of the threshold the FOX Business Network, which is hosting the November 10 debate, has set for candidates to be able to participate.

The two were relegated to an undercard debate airing before the main event, the network announced Thursday.

Instead, Huckabee and Christie will appear in the secondary debate, which occurs immediately prior to the prime-time event.

About half this many candidates in the primetime debate would be much better. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Also on that stage will be Sens. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.). Lindsey Graham of South Carolina failed to even qualify for the happy hour debate, and will be sitting out Tuesday’s Milwaukee, Wisconsin slugfest.

“Senator Graham continues to be the foremost expert on foreign policy and national security in this field of candidates, on either stage”, a statement from Graham’s campaign noted.

There are a total of 15 candidates running for the Republican presidential nomination. In a tweet shortly after the lineups were announced, Christie downplayed his relegation, saying the stage “doesn’t matter”. Fox News has controlled the race since the 2016 season began, by determining the rules for which candidates get to appear on the main stage – the top tier candidates – and which are forced to “sit at the kiddie table”, so to speak. He suggested that Democrat Bill Clinton or Republican John McCain could have struggled to emerge under the current system.


At this time in 2007, polls showed that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was far ahead of his closest challenger with the eventual nominee, McCain, in third.

Fox Business announces eight candidates that will appear in GOP Milwaukee debate