
Christie: Obama still ‘minimizing’ ISIS

Christie said his focus was “different” from the president’s and suggested Obama’s administration had “forgotten” September 11.


Christie’s foreign policy approach would differ from President George W. Bush’s in “a number of ways”, he said, but “concerning the fight on terrorism, there are a lot of similarities”. TAPPER: Governor Christie, you said yesterday in New Hampshire that this campaign changed eight days ago.

In particular, Christie accused Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and other officials of deluding themselves about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), echoing repeated criticisms that the administration has underestimated the group. “Is this what he wants to see happen to people?”

Christie said Tuesday that he’d be willing to reconsider his stance if he can be convinced that it can be done safely.

Christie reiterated the need for a strong, decisive President who sees the world as it really is and not how he or she wishes it would be.

“None of it works unless we protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, Christie said Saturday during the meeting at a bowling alley attended by a standing-room crowd of about 300.

Paris recently suffered a terrorist attack and the conservatives in this country have been wetting their trousers ever since, wanting to march our soldiers off to another quagmire and getting hysterical about America taking in a few Syrian refugees.

The New Jersey Governor concluded a two day campaign trip to New Hampshire Sunday afternoon at a house party in Bedford. He said the attacks in Paris serve as a reminder of the importance of national security, which he said would be his first priority in office.

The most recent Fox News poll, conducted last week, found Christie at 3% support nationwide, and a Boston Globe/Suffolk University survey of New Hampshire Republicans conducted November 17-19 found him still trailing the field with 4%.

The former federal prosecutor’s comment that he wouldn’t even accept 5-year-old Syrian orphans drew an attack from Obama last week, saying Republicans are afraid of women and children.

Comey told Congress that he could not give “absolute assurance” that admitting Syrian refugees would carry no risk.

“We can not allow ourselves at a time of great peril to put ourselves voluntarily at even greater risk just because there are some folks who believe that it’ll make our country look better”, Christie said.


Christie said the United States should keep Syrians safe in Syria, repeating his call for a no-fly zone and safe zone.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie speaks at a house party in Bedford