
Christie uses his top GOP debate moment to raise campaign cash

The Republican candidates now have two debates under their belts and they’re now working to capitalize on last night’s meeting – one clear victor , CNN, which scored almost 23 million viewers.


Donald Trump is still in the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, according to the CNN/ORC global Poll released Sunday, but his numbers are growing smaller.

Several candidates including Sen.

On Wednesday, Carly Fiorina struck back against Donald Trump during the Republican presidential candidates’ debate over his “look at that face” remark earlier.

Scott Walker’s reign in the top tier of The Chase is over.

“You wanted it and you did not get it because I was opposed to casino gambling before, during and after, and that’s not, I’m not going to be bought by anybody”, Bush said. “Are we not above that?” It is saying that at this time, the voters are rebelling against the elected class. All three of the candidates who have been surging in the polls are non-politicians. In response to Paul, Bush willingly admitted to smoking marijuana 40 years ago.

“They were going tit-for-tat with each other. However, it was pretty entertaining”, Quinn Kahsay, a junior political science major, said. That didn’t sit well with Indiana Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann, so she actually wrote a letter to CNN to make sure Fiorina would be included in the second debate. She commanded the stage equally with Bush, Trump, and Carson – relegating the rest of the 11 candidates to the background. Trump’s jab was a reference to his frequent critique that Bush is a “low energy” candidate.

“They didn’t offer many solutions to the many problems they gleefully identified”.

Carly Fiorina has finally gotten her revenge on Donald Trump for his sexist comments that were deemed as insulting to her and women in general.

“Women all over the country heard very clearly what Mr Trump said”, Ms Fiorina said with restraint, to some of the loudest cheers of the night. Trump “showed he has little real grasp of foreign and domestic policy“, in Wednesday’s debate, said Brian Walsh, a Republican strategist in Washington who is not affiliated with any campaign. But that first exchange was very sort-of awkward, Thanksgiving dinner kind of feel to it. I think that he still comes across sort-of “beta male” against Trump on this.


“I think really everybody did well”, Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo immediately following the debate.

Iowa Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds at the Iowa Capitol