
Christmas parade, tree-lighting ceremony to be held Saturday in Taylor

After a successful inaugural year in the Children’s Holiday Parade in Bayside, Santa Claus is preparing to make his much anticipated return on Saturday, December 5, sponsored by Councilman Paul Vallone and the Bayside Village BID. Santa will also be available for pictures with the kids right after the parade.


And last, but not least, the Baysville Santa Claus Parade on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. -the only Santa Claus Parade to go around twice!

‘We had a bit of a laugh when she asked for a turtle but I’m not sure she means a real one.

“It’s a great event. sometimes we get as big a crowd for the Santa Claus parade as we do St. Patrick’s Day”.

The parade will begin at 7:15 p.m. and travel down Lindenthal, going northwest.

“We got 300 donuts from Pankiewicz Cider Mill this year and they said they had such a good year they wanted to donate them to us”, smiled recreation Director Margo VanHove. The parade will also be accompanied by the music courtesy of the Cadet band.

“They’ll give the signal and flick the lights on, and all of the lights will be up downtown”, she said.

Santa also is returning for the evening to a home he keeps there, Cooper said, adding that they’re still trying to determine other times when Santa might be able to visit Beardstown ahead of Christmas. Plaques will be awarded for best commercial, best small independent business and best not for profit group entries. “This year, it’s an old-time fire truck, kind of a throw-back”. Toronto’s official Christmas tree will be lit, along with performances from some of Canada’s top musicians, a firework show and skating parties.

According to the BIA website, “the Carleton Place BIA Whoville Santa Claus Parade is where we will stand heart to heart and hand to hand listening to singing and dancing welcoming the season’s meaning!”


The parade will end at the pavilion with a tree-lighting ceremony at about 4 p.m. that will include entertainment, rides, presentations and giveaways.
