
Christmas tree farm opens for the season

Plus, although not everyone can sense the difference, specialists say Christmas trees have different fragrances.


Now, for the ones who believe tree cutting is a savage thing or are what we call today tree-huggers, a more eco-friendly option is buying an artificial Christmas tree.

The U.S. Forest Service is reminding people who want to cut down their own Christmas tree to be sure follow the rules of the program. “She’s 13 years old now and I want her cherish the memories of her and her dad coming here”. “We thought about flock but it might be a mess after 30 days”, Billy Curtright said. Tree lots will tell you their trees aren’t just any trees, and that’s why they are priced higher than the national shops. “You also have a tree that is living for that same price that you can put in your landscape and improve the quality of–the value of your property so easily”, he said. But the memories he cherishes are the ones he creates every year with his daughter at the lighting event.

Wiggins says when it comes to growing trees it’s all about maintaining balance, to ensure you have a tree that will last the entire holiday season.

“It’s easy to store, if you have storage”, Silva said about the fake trees.

“We wanted a real Christmas tree and then Pepper’s Tree Farm is right down the road from our house”.

With Thanksgiving behind us, it’s time to tackle Christmas!

“We always get a real tree”, Chris Kohls said. It takes years. A five foot tall tree takes six years.


Selecting a tree from one of Iowa’s 100 choose-and-harvest farms can involve even the youngest family member. New installed Chuggy the train that takes kids and grown ups around the farm to get a look at the numerous trees. It’s open every day from 9 7 p.m. through the holiday season. “Making your purchases local keeps small business owners and family operations in business for generations”, he said.

Christmas tree sales start of holiday season