
Christopher Biggins removed from CBB house for ‘offensive language’

Christopher Biggins said he was “very sorry and very sad” as he was removed from the Celebrity Big Brother house for saying that Aids was “a bisexual disease”.


Channel 5 has said a transcript of vile comments apparently made by Christopher Biggins leading to his removal from Celebrity Big Brother is fake.

Credit: Supplied by WENN.comStephen Bear was removed from the Celebrity Big Brother house on Thursday (04Aug16) following a row with Heavy D.

The programme’s producers have not said whether these comments were among those that they considered before ordering Biggins to leave the house.

Celebrity Big Brother airs at 9pm on Channel 5.

“It was her personality I liked, if you met Marnie today or tomorrow you have no idea what she does”.

Speaking to The Sun, he said: “I have been close friends and worked with Biggins for many years and can confirm that he would never intentionally cause offence”.

Two others in the house have received formal warnings for their behaviour this week.

Meanwhile, ex-housemate Grant Bovey has suggested removing Christopher from the “Celebrity Big Brother” house was a mistake.

Another moment during the episode that didn’t sit too well with the TV audience was Aubrey O’Day seemingly spitting into Stephen’s mouth after she was given an official warning for spitting in his sandwich earlier in the week.

However, a chat with Samantha Fox in the smoking area last night revealed that reality TV star appeared to have changed his mind, as he said he’s seeing someone on the outside but “doesn’t think she’s the one”. Renee also took him to task about Bear’s drawing of a penis next to Aubrey’s name when he nominated her. “I don’t know who can fill those shoes now he’s not there”. When I went in, you’ve cast some hot guys in there, and the girls were making a fuss of me. It was a running gag.

He told OK! magazine: ‘I’ve promised her I’ll stay faithful in the house.

“I have family and I don’t want to cause any problems or embarrassment for a special little person in particular”. Everything becomes hyper sensitive!


With an answer to everything, Bear replied: “I enjoy it…”

Christopher Biggins said he was sorry for the comments that saw him removed from the Big Brother house