
Christopher Biggins removed from Celebrity Big Brother house

Christopher Biggins has been removed from the Celebrity Big Brother due to “offensive comments” made in the house.


The night ended with Grant being evicted.

“Since entering Big Brother, he has made a number of comments capable of causing great offence to housemates and the viewing public”.

Earlier this week he was shown commenting that bisexual people were “the worst” type, adding: “What it is is people not wanting to admit they’re gay”.

While Lewis admitted: “Heavy D…”

The TV and pantomime star was granted immunity from eviction a fter successfully completing a task where he was the secret boss of the house.

But it wasn’t just Ricky who let loose during the brutal nominations, Chloe chose to put Saira Khan up for eviction.

While Vicky is was an avid viewer of civilian Big Brother thanks to the appearance of Judge Geordie co-host and BFF Alex Cannon, with Bear being on screen she doesn’t think she can bring herself to tune into CBB.

He left the house to a chorus of both cheers and boos before being greeted by Willis.

Talking to NOW Magazine, Vicky said, “Big Brother is definitely not for me”.

Following his departure Bovey insisted that Biggins was the head of the household before his removal.

Rylan went on to say: “Bear went back into the house yesterday afternoon and he did apologise for his behaviour to the housemates, although he did ruin it then by insulting Chloe”. “Ah it’s you”, said Heavy D as Bear took the lead, to which he replied: “I ain’t bothered”. “There is no natural leader”. As you get older life goes so quick. It was a running gag.

It is little wonder then that when they got the opportunity to give someone the “gift” of eternal nominations, so that they face eviction every time, they bestowed this upon Bear. “You are very false, I don’t want to hear it”. Everything becomes hyper sensitive!

Bovey said he was excited to see his children, to sleep in his own bed – and to escape the drama.


Ricky lost his patience with Bear, who was voted to face eternal nominations for the remainder of the series, last night.

Ricky Norwood brands Stephen Bear ‘disgusting’ in Celebrity Big Brother outburst