
Christopher Columbus suffering from major image problem

The vandalism was discovered the morning of Monday’s now controversial federal holiday, amid growing criticism that it celebrates genocide.


That’s until an urban explorer from out of town climbed up and removed it because he thought it was disrespectful.

“That’s for Columbus Day, guys”.

And this is how a few people in Detroit apparently feel about him.

The photo was posted on Imgur.

No person or group has claimed responsibility for the stunt.

But that aside, Detroit’s Columbus statue will undoubtedly be in need of a few cleaning.

The Associated Press said that at least nine US cities, including Albuquerque, NM, Anadarko, OK, Portland, OR, St. Paul, MN, and Olympia, WA, changed their observances to recognize Native Americans.

Police are investigating after someone vandalized a statue of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus in downtown Detroit.

Alaska is the first state to declare the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.


The 1910 statue was erected at the time to honor Detroit’s Italians, and was sculpted by Augusto Rivalto.

Detroit police are investigating after someone vandalized a statute of Christopher Columbus with an ax and red paint.                      WXYZ