
Cisco predicts internet traffic will triple by 2020

India will have 1.9 billion networked devices in 2020, up from 1.3 billion in 2015, where PCs will account for 2% or 43.8 million down from 3% in 2015, while tablets will account for 2% doubling up from 12.1 million in 2015.


The number of Internet users will reach 4.1 billion by 2020 from 3 billion in 2015, according to the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast for 2015 to 2020. In addition, by 2020, there will be 3.4 devices and connections per capita, a jump from the 2.2 per capital a year ago.

“Advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) are continuing to drive IP traffic and tangible growth in the market”.

Thomas Barnett, Cisco’s director of thought leadership for its service provider business, identified three main trends contributing to growth: “By 2020, smartphones will generate 30% of total IP traffic, while PCs’ total IP traffic contribution will fall to 29%”. In fact, health care will become the fastest-growing sector, with 144 million in 2015 to 729 million by 2020. By 2020, M2M connections should represent almost half – 46 percent – of total connected devices, the report says.

Viewed another way, the Internet will support 3 trillion Internet video minutes per month by 2020, which equates to 5 million years of video per month, or about 1 million video minutes every second, Cisco said.

Internet video will continue to dominate traffic, accounting for 79% of global internet traffic by 2020, up from 63% in 2015. That DDoS analysis suggests that these types of breaches can represent up to 10 percent of a country’s total internet traffic while they are occurring. Over the next five years, DDoS attacks are projected to increase from 6.6 million to 17 million attacks. In terms of IP traffic, Cisco is now forecasting a 22 percent Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2015-2020.

Internet peak-hour traffic is forecast grow fourfold in the next four years, compared with a twofold increase in average hourly internet traffic across the whole day. Internet gaming traffic will grow 7-fold from 2015 to 2020, a compound annual growth rate of 49%.

Virtual reality will also take a bite of bandwidth. Spurred by low-cost home monitoring cameras, video surveillance will grow 10-fold by 2020.

The report also mentions that the demand for higher video resolutions, more bandwidth and processing speed will increase the use of internet to six times in 2020 with a growth of 45%. That number is set to growth at a CAGR of 74 percent over the next few years, hitting 48.2 percent of 2020 IP traffic.

The way consumers and business users access IP networks and the Internet is shifting from PCs to mobile devices.

The average Internet user generated 6.1 gigabytes per month data in 2015, that was 21% more from 5.0 gigabytes per month in 2014.

Annual global IP traffic will surpass the zettabyte (ZB; 1000 exabytes) threshold in 2016, and will reach 2.3 ZB by 2020.

Desktop /personal videoconferencing will be the fastest growing business Internet service, growing from 95 million users in 2015 to 248 million users by 2020. By 2020, the number of public WiFi hotspots will jump seven times, to 432 million, and home hotspots will jump from 57 million past year to 423 million.


Traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for two-thirds of total IP traffic by 2020.

Internet traffic to triple by 2020, says Cisco