
Civil rights leader Lewis softening dismissal of Sanders

This is one of the issues that Hillary Clinton may have a serious advantage over Bernie Sanders.


When he asks his audiences if they know his average contribution, they shout back in unison: $27.

THE FACTS: Sanders exaggerated the rate of incarceration for black males, as Clinton did in an earlier debate.

The crowd was slightly more energized for Clinton. “There are 340 days until the next president takes office, so that is plenty of time”. She is now heading south into an area where she has a strong base of support. Clinton’s diplomacy also dissuaded Hamas from firing rockets into Israel. The setting was carefully selected – Sylvia’s Restaurant, where Barack Obama, then a senator, was photographed with the veteran civil rights leader during his 2008 campaign. In her view, neither the Republican Congress nor American voters would accept the massive expansion of government that Sanders’ proposals would require.

Furthermore, wasn’t Mr. Sanders in the Senate during the passage of the Affordable Care Act?

We prefer the pragmatism embraced by Clinton: to further develop the foundation of Obamacare that already is law.

Clinton is no newcomer to the plight of the uninsured.

The loyalists were there again in 1996, when the Clinton-Gore ticket lost to the Bob Dole-Jack Kemp ticket in North Carolina, 48.7 percent to 44 percent, while again winning nationally.

In her closing arguments, Clinton said that Americans live in a “single-issue country” with many barriers needed to be broken, including racism, sexism, and discrimination: “We’ve got to stand up for unions and working people who have done it before, the American middle class, and those being attacked by ideologues and demagogues”.

Our society has gone irrationally bonkers for personal weapons. “That’s a promise that can not be kept”. But have you heard anything there that makes you think SC might not be a dependable firewall for Clinton this year? However, earnings of wage and salary workers have risen in that period by about 2 percent. “His record on guns is very troubling”. For years, that bill was at the top of the NRA’s agenda.

Sanders says he’s been largely supportive of Obama, despite his occasional critique. None of these regulatory measures would violate the Second Amendment.

Clinton stretched when putting herself in Sanders’ league when it comes to grassroots financing.

As the primaries shift from the white homogeneity of New Hampshire and Iowa, look for the candidates to expand their appeal. The senator said, “Absolutely, because what we will do is say, instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, we are going to create millions of jobs for low-income kids so they’re not hanging out on street corners”. On every front, Clinton seeks more measured, realistic approaches to effectively keep Wall Street reined in. “He tried to get some attention to attract a candidate to actually run against the president when he was running for re-election”, Mrs. Clinton told a gymnasium full of voters near the campus of a historically black college here. That energy, that passion they find in Bernie Sanders. “I believe [Sanders] really cares”.

The mounting negativity is driven in part by the anxieties of the Clinton campaign.

“Let’s not insult the intelligence of the American people”, he said.

SANDERS: It’s very important. But pitching a vision, and executing it, hinges on experience, leadership, tenacity and the ability to build coalitions.

Sanders and Clinton aren’t the only politicians with their own comic books from Storm.

Clinton on Friday significantly bulked up her campaign advertising plan, reaching well beyond the next two states to vote with an eye on the March 1 “Super Tuesday” contests.

Ours is a complex world brimming with challenges and opportunities.


Written by Michael L. Frizell and illustrated by Joe Paradise, the comic focuses on the more controversial parts of her political history, such as the Benghazi hearings, as well as campaign strategy sessions as she eyes the Democratic ticket for the White House in the 2016 presidential elections.

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