
Cleveland To Pass Trans-Friendly Bathroom Law Ahead Of GOP Convention

The platform committee will present the final version of the party’s platform to the full Republican National Convention next week and vote on its adoption.


Concerns over security in Cleveland have been ramping up ahead of next week’s Republican National Convention – and are now further inflamed by recent incidents of racial violence that have wracked the country. TPM also indicated that “senators up for reelection are not the only ones who have said they will forgo the formal coronation of Donald Trump”. “Either we keep traveling down the road of big government failure, or set a new course for an America that is strong and as confident, more than ever before”.

But “Never Trump” and “No270” Republicans say delegates to the convention should adopt a “conscience clause” and dump Trump as the nominee.

“I’m proud of the work the delegates have done in drafting our Party’s platform for the 2016 Republican National Convention”, said Priebus.

Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg Terminal.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach-a prominent constitutional lawyer and former law professor whom some conservatives in Cleveland this week hope to see considered for USA attorney general in a Trump administration-introduced the amendment to explicitly call for an actual wall. But they are unlikely to make a difference in the convention’s outcome. Unruh has been touting that she has the votes needed, but an informal survey of Republicans behind the scenes at the RNC summer meeting Monday and Tuesday suggested they are not there yet.

He told supporters “this isn’t my GOP”, nor is it Donald Trump’s.

The delegates have binding votes to support candidates, but will they stay with the rules?

“I think Ted Cruz said it best, he’s amoral, he’s a pathological liar, and he’s a narcissist”.

“Everybody when Mr. Trump declared said he doesn’t have a chance”.

“I’ve encouraged him to embrace the platform, and I believe that he will”, said Wyoming Sen.

With support from 28 rules committee members, Mr. Trump’s opponents can present their “unbinding” proposal to the 2,472 delegates, putting Mr. Trump’s nomination in jeopardy.

The start of the Log Cabin Republicans press release from Gregory T. Angelo regarding the Republican platform is on the mark (I left the links intact): There’s no way to sugar-coat this: I’m mad as hell – and I know you are, too.

“Now is not the time for a party to run from its platform”, she said. Speaking at a CNN town hall Tuesday night, Ryan said he was not going to put his thumb on the scale for either side in the delegate fight.

A party spokesman said things are still in flux.


Eastland says he supports the movement to allow delegates to back anyone, but concedes it will be “very, very difficult” to prevail.

AP FACT CHECK: Crime stats don't back Trump's dire view