
Cleveland Truck Driver Labeled ‘Serial Killer’ by Prosecutor

A grand jury indicted truck driver Robert Rembert Jr. on multiple counts of aggravated murder.


He added: “Robert Rembert is a serial killer”. Hall had been beaten, raped and ultimately strangled, according to the Cuyahoga County prosecutor’s office. For one, the samples matched DNA evidence found in the murder of Kimberley Hall, a Cleveland woman whose body was found near an open field on June 10 by two workers.

Rembert pleaded guilty to the voluntary manslaughter of Dadren Lewis in December 1997.

At the time, Rembert was an RTA driver and would have had the access code to the restroom.

Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty said in a news release that Rembert is a “serial killer” and that Rembert’s activities as a trucker are still being investigated.

He is now being held in the Cuyahoga County Jail on a $1 million bond.

Investigators know that Rembert traveled all over Ohio and into Pennsylvania and want to find out if his work took him into other states in the Great Lakes area, Frolik said. He was sentenced to six years in prison in July 1998.

Rembert is charged with “10 counts of Aggravated Murder, six counts of kidnapping, four counts of Rape, two counts of Aggravated Robbery and one count each of Having Weapons under Disability, Grand Theft and Gross Abuse of a Corpse”, according to NBC Local News. In addition, the last calls made and received on Hall’s cell phone were to Rembert.

On September 20th of this year, Nietzel and Rembert were found dead in their East 140th Street home.

Though prosecutors haven’t hinted that Robert Rembert will be tied to more cases or that further charges are pending, their continued investigation into the man’s time as a truck driver indicates that it’s possible more cases could arise.


He was arrested outside of a truck stop showers after allegedly driving off with Nietzel’s auto. The day before, he allegedly shot and killed his cousin, Jerry, 52, and longtime family friend, Morgan Nietzel, only 26. She was discovered in an employee restroom at a bus station.

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