
Climate change activists hijack ad spaces around Paris COP21 talks to

Brandalism is displaying its displeasure with the talks by inundating the French capital with more than 600 “fake” advertisements that were installed in advertising spaces all over the city.


Brandalism targeted Air France, Volkswagen and British Gas in the campaign.

Other targets of the art include heads of state like François Hollande, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Shinzo Abi. “Brandalism aims to creatively expose this corporate greenwashing”, it says.

For the COP21, 80 artists from 19 countries tossed their hats into the ring, including Banksy collaborator Paul Insect, Neta Harari and Jimmy Cauty.

Meanwhile the Prince of Wales evoked Churchill’s description of Battle of Britain fighter pilots when he said: “Rarely in human history have so many people around the world placed their trust in so few”, adding the deliberations will decide the fate not only of those alive today, but of future generations.

On December 5, C40 and partner Realdania will host Compact of Mayors: Tools and Experience from First-Mover Cities and National Agencies in the Global Response to Climate Change in the Espace Generations Climat at Le Bourget.

The UK-based campaign Brandalism claimed responsibility for the adverts, saying in a statement that it hoped to “highlight the links between advertising, consumerism, fossil fuel dependency and climate change”. “As is the case with the climate talks and their corporate sponsored events, outdoor advertising ensures that those with the most amount of money are able to ensure that their voices get heard above all else”.

One result of the Parisian lockdown against big gatherings was the cancellation of a planned climate-related demonstration, slated for Sunday.

“It is this level of government that will play a key role in delivering against decisions made in Paris and it is states and regions who are already demonstrating that bold climate measures cannot only be achieved ahead of time, but bring enormous benefits to local people and economies”.

Climate change leaves this cruise boat high and dry.


“We knew about the impact of fossil fuels but publicly denied it”, an imitation of an Exxon ad proclaims. More art is available at the Brandalism gallery.

COP21 Summit