
Climate Change, Terrorism, To Dominate Commonwealth Summit Talks

Among the few things concluded at the flop 2009 Copenhagen global climate change summit were things agreed beforehand by the Commonwealth.


It is an ambitious proposal and the talks in Paris could very well result in an even bolder plan to bring pollution levels down even faster.

French President Francois Hollande called on all countries to back a UN climate deal at talks opening in Paris on Monday, but said he feared “a few” nations could derail the process.

It’s less than a month since Mr. Trudeau took power, and radically altered Canada’s climate-change approach.

On Friday, Trudeau pledged another $2.65 billion over five years toward a United Nations climate fund to aid developing countries. “Islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean deal with rising sea levels that could drive them from their homelands, and an onslaught of increased violent storms that is hampering their development”, he said.

Commonwealth secretary general Kamalesh Sharma refused to name the country, insisting the reason was to preserve unity.

The conference, also known as COP21, will be happening from November 30 to December 11.

U.S. President Barack Obama recently rejected the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to Texas on the grounds the line would further propagate the production of “dirtier” oilsands product.

Trudeau made a heartfelt toast to Her Majesty during the leaders’ summit dinner, praising her “dedication and selfless service”.

The package also includes 1.5 million US dollars to provide technical expertise to Small island Developing Countries to help identify ways for them to better access finance to invest in critical development and infrastructure projects.

The current refugee crisis in the Middle East is literally lapping at its shores.

The celebrity appeal of Canada’s new prime minister was on full display Thursday as men and women crowded around Trudeau, hoping for a glimpse, a handshake and a snippet of video on their phones. Cameron told the British House of Commons that you can’t “sub-contract” national security.

His efforts to widen the British air war come as Trudeau is vowing to withdraw Canada’s six CF-18 jets from the American-led bombing mission in Iraq and Syria.


Combating terrorism is the major focus of the summit in this Maltese capital which is taking place just two weeks after the grisly terror attack in Paris in which at least 130 people were killed and over 350 injured. “Terrorists are more scared of well-educated girls and boys who manage to get a good job then they will ever be of any army”, Joseph Muscat, Malta’s Prime Minister, said.

Climate Activists to France's Hollande: Let Us Protest at COP21