
Clinton: $350 Bil For College

“It just makes sense”.


Hillary Clinton slammed Gov. Scott Walker and his record on higher education Tuesday during a New Hampshire campaign stop.

But a campaign aide told CNNMoney that the plan to “limit certain high-income tax expenditures…is a version of a similar plan that President Obama has included in several of his recent budgets”.

Meanwhile, some Republican presidential candidates say Clinton’s proposal will actually raise college costs. Clinton organizers plan to promote the plan at registration events and other gatherings kicking off the school year, according to a campaign aide, in an effort to galvanize college students. “That’s not how America works”, she said Monday. The size of the grants would be linked to how many low- and middle-income students are enrolled.

The plan would also cut the interest rates on student loans. “Expanding “gainful employment” data collection and reporting will certainly raise costs”.

While acknowledging the problem of runaway student debt, Republican presidential hopefuls have slammed the reforms proposed by Sanders, O’Malley and Clinton as throwing good money after the bad. College of the Ozarks provides free tuition for kids who work and numerous kids learn at least as much on the job as they do in the classroom.

Clinton argues that her proposal would increase the number of people completing college, and because college graduates earn more on average than those with only a high school diploma and are less likely to be unemployed, this would translate into a boost in overall economic growth.

The Clinton Foundation also lists Laureate global Universities as one of its donors, giving $1 million to $5 million during the first half of this year.

Finally, Clinton is calling for a major change to how student loans are paid back: she wants all borrowers to repay their loans based on their discretionary income.

Schneider also questioned the absence of “gainful employment standards”, which are now applied to career training programs and could be expanded to cover public colleges and universities.

What government can do is offer large tax reductions to corporations which build in economically depressed areas, and which donate to HBCUs to support endowment expansion, programmatic development and better social positioning. Mark Warner (D-Va.) previous year.

“Because unlike homeowners or businesses, student borrowers can’t refinance their loans”, O’Malley said.

Clinton posted on Twitter, “Access to higher education should be a right, not a privilege for those who can afford it”.


“The Europeans, the Russians, the Chinese, they’re going to say, ‘we stuck with the Americans, we agreed with the Americans, we hammered out this agreement, I guess their president can’t make foreign policy.’ That’s a very bad signal to send in a quickly moving and oftentimes risky world”. “As governor, I froze college tuition at Wisconsin colleges four years in a row”. Grants from the federal government will be awarded to these states. College tuition costs have gone up faster than the costs of health care and even housing over the past 20 years, during a digital era when education costs should be falling.

Clinton proposes $350 billion college affordability plan