
Clinton accused Trump of ‘degrading comments about Muslims’

Clinton also said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has “zero” economic plans while pointing to his business record of manufacturing his branded products in places like China and Bangladesh.


Sanders was near emotionless as Clinton thanked him early on in her speech, saying his campaign “inspired millions of Americans” and “put economic and social justice issues front and center where they belong”. Clinton’s instinctive caution makes her look like a status-quo candidate – and this is not a status-quo election. “It’s nothing new. I’m not always a smiley kind of guy”.

A poll of voters nationally released last week from YouGov has Clinton ahead of Trump 40 percent to 38 percent. Her being the first female American president, too, would also be historic. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump’s toughest primary opponent, did speak at the convention, but stubbornly refused to endorse the businessman in a stunning display of party disunity.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy made the trip in this Democratic stronghold to praise its industrial strength.

We’ve heard time and again that Donald Trump essentially floated to the top of a large group of candidates because Republican voters want someone who isn’t a political elite; however, it appears that their nominee is elite nonetheless (and he has gold-plated everything to prove it).

McConnell praised Capt. Khan as an “American hero”, while Ryan noted that many Muslim Americans have served “valiantly” in the USA military. And just as Trump was unable to change Democrats’ views about him last week, Republicans said their views of Clinton went unchanged or got worse.

Kaine, with a delighted grin, said the Republican convention “wasn’t a tour of this country”.

“Most of all, we know better to believe anyone who says, I alone can fix it”, Clinton said.

Clinton has spent decades in the political arena, including as secretary of state and a senator from NY.

This video includes images from Getty Images and clips from Jill Stein for President, The Republican National Committee and Hillary for America. Trump says his Democratic rival was either ignoring or underestimating the scope of the problems.

If 2016 were a normal political year, Republicans would be well positioned to recapture the White House.

Clinton continued, “And we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin, whether it’s saying that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation wouldn’t come to the rescue of allies if they were invaded, talking about removing sanctions from Russian officials after they were imposed by the United States and Europe together because of Russia’s aggressiveness in Crimea and Ukraine”.

Bill Clinton accompanied his wife on the tour, which echoed the heartland one he took with Gore upon winning the Democratic nomination in 1992.

“A few really important elements of Hillary’s plan include infrastructure spending, which I think is absolutely necessary to provide a stimulus to the U.S. economy”, says Greene.


“I think the trouble with ISIS, or with radical Islam, is that its existence, its bare existence, countermands the one-world kumbaya moral relativism and multiculturalism that the Democrat Party has been ramming down our throats for 30 years”, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at the Marine Corps University, said Friday on Fox News’ “Hannity”. “I think that should set off alarm bells for everybody”. I think we can pull together because we are stronger together, and if anybody like him spent a day on the factory floor here, they’d see what teamwork looks like. Julie Green, born in the hard-luck city and now living a few miles away in Girard, was waiting and apparently receptive to the argument that Trump represents an ominous turn for American politics.

Clinton Kaine bus