
Clinton accuses Trump of inciting violence with ‘assassination threat’

Jon Voight has backed Donald Trump after the USA presidential nominee was accused of hinting at the assassination of Hillary Clinton.


The Republican nominee suggested her liberal nominations would threaten gun ownership rights when he said: “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment”.

‘By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks, ‘ he said.

“I think you’re talking about the power of people that are in favour of the Second Amendment and they have tremendous political power”.

Immediately after Trump made his comment, many on social media accused him of effectively calling for Clinton’s assassination.

Clinton’s campaign called the remark “dangerous”.

He said: “Second amendment people have fantastic spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power”.

When Baldwin asked Vickers about the fact that Trump’s joke was about violence, he said Trump was just trying to make a point about gun ownership and was not meant being serious at that moment. “He doesn’t understand the basic requirements of being President of the United States and frankly, he’s risky”.

Rather, a former anchor on CBS News, took to Facebook on Wednesday evening, only hours after the comments were made, and criticized Trump for reaching “a new low … in the history of American presidential politics”.

The Secret Service saying they are aware of the comments but would not say if there would be an investigation. She has also explained that you can call for stronger gun laws “and still support the right of people to own guns”.

Despite claiming his words had been twisted by the media, many others have interpreted the comments as a veiled threat to Clinton.


“Trump and his supporters have been scrambling wildly all day to explain away the inexplicable, but they can stop wasting their time”, Scarborough wrote. NY billionaire Donald Trumpofficially accepted the presidential nomination of the U.S. Republican Party Thursday night on the final day of the Republican National Convention.

Clinton convention