
Clinton and Sanders Discuss Religion, Birtherism, and Beyoncé at CNN Town Hall

Sanders has called on Clinton to release the transcripts of her private speeches to Wall Street institutions including Goldman Sachs, as well as pharmaceutical companies. “Here are all my Wall Street speeches”.


When told that Sanders said he would be completely willing to release transcripts of his very few paid speeches (he noted it is against the law for him to do paid speeches while in office), Clinton slightly changed her response, adding that she would only do so if the Republicans do as well.

But you go into an election with the candidates you have, not the candidates you’d wish to have.

Tulchin said Tuesday that his polling, conducted shortly before the caucuses, showed Sanders up among likely Latino participants by 6 percentage points.

Sanders then gestured as if he were tossing papers in the direction of Cuomo, announcing, “There ain’t none!” Sanders paid tribute to “wonderful people” he has met on the trail and told of how some said he had rekindled their interest in politics and democracy. Because supposedly you’re better than the Republican Party.

Sanders renewed his criticism of Clinton, her campaign and a super political action committee benefiting from Wall Street donors. While he attended a televised town hall in South Carolina Tuesday night and followed with an early morning news conference, his itinerary Wednesday consisted of events in Kansas City, Missouri, and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Sanders has been steadily gaining ground in Georgia and Texas, which award approximately 20 percent of total delegates between the two of them. In a column he penned for Univision, Gutiérrez also chastised the candidate for breaking with Democrats in 2006 and aligning with “the hard-line anti-immigrant wing of the Republican Party”.

Appearing at a CNN town hall on Tuesday Sanders portrayed the “birther” controversy that Trump pushed during Obama’s first term as part of a Republican strategy to thwart his presidency, based on the mantra “obstruct, obstruct, obstruct”. The former Democratic National Committee chairman and long time Clinton supporter, who has helped with Clinton’s campaign fundraising, repeated comments made by other Clinton operatives when he said, “it’s clear to me that this race will not be decided by who has the most money”.

On whether she would lie in the future (after giving an indirect answer to a similar question last week): “I’ll just say, ‘No!'”

“Eleven times he said I can’t breathe, but the disconcerted officers they chose to end his life”, says Carr.

“That basically is different from what we saw in Iowa and New Hampshire”, Bitzer said. So, if that was true, she would have released them, okay?


Sanders is taking an increasingly tough line against Clinton. Experts believe that she will have the advantage going forward.

Entrance Polls: Trump Dominates Latino Vote In Nevada