
Clinton and Trump in test of mettle

Not to be outdone, Clinton announced her own list of endorsements from 95 retired generals and admirals the next day.


After being presented with several possibilities for how they may vote, about a quarter of poll respondents said they would vote for a third-party candidate or a candidate “from the other political party than the one that you usually support”.

The interviewer, NBC’s Matt Lauer, asked why it wasn’t “disqualifying” for Mrs Clinton to have handled government emails on a private server while secretary of state. They defend Clinton’s record as steady and experienced.

Still, Clinton maintained she never mishandled classified information.

This included Trump’s quote on nuclear weapons, in which he declared “the power, the devastation is very important to me”. “Always have, always will”.

Until that point, the Clinton campaign had been criticized by the right and left for not having a traditional press conference at all this year with minimal press availability; she even got a new nickname from Trump: Hiding Hillary. According to notes released from Clinton’s interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, she said she relied on others with knowledge about handling classified files.

If Clinton continues to pull in roughly three-quarters of the Latino vote in the Sunshine State, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where Trump is able to win the state. “Not only drugs but also alcohol”, Clinton said.

Trump has condemned the war during his presidential campaign and said he would avoid lengthy conflicts in the Middle East. He pointed to Trump’s repeated assertion that he was against invading Iraq, despite statements to several news outlets at the time indicating otherwise, as evidence of Trump’s untruthfulness.

Speaking in Philadelphia, the Republican presidential candidate told supporters that he would ask his generals within the first 30 days of his presidency to craft a roadmap to the ISIS group’s annihilation.

As to his primary claim he knows more about ISIS than the generals, Trump blamed President Obama and Clinton for reducing said generals to “rubble”.

Trump’s stated opposition to the Iraq war from the beginning is “one of the main rationales for his candidacy, and it’s completely made up”, Kaine said. Those now serving, he said, “have been reduced to a point where it’s embarrassing for our country”.

The relationship between the media and the presidential nominees is vital. Trump said. “The fact that he calls me brilliant or whatever he calls me is going to have zero impact”.

And Americans may hear more positive remarks about the Russian president, too. “We’re going to speed up the process, we’re going to create a great mental health division”.

“It’s a very different system, and I don’t happen to like the system”.

Further, in the Republican nominee’s mind, Putin’s leadership exceeds that of President Obama’s.

“It is a great honor to have such wonderful support from so many distinguished retired military leaders”, said Trump in a statement.

“We will show the whole world how proud we are to be American”, Trump said.


Questioned on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday, Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, repeatedly refused to say directly whether he had confidence in Trump as commander in chief.

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