
Clinton and Trump play family card in final hours before Iowa vote

Cruz turned Iowa into a boom-or-bust state when he predicted that Trump might run the table if he wins the Hawkeye State and told voters that caucusing for anyone else amounts to supporting Trump.


His relatively strong numbers in Iowa are boosted by first-time voters, with 40 percent saying they will support him compared to only 22 percent for Cruz.

On the Democratic side, Clinton holds a narrow lead over Sanders, 45 percent to 42 percent. A CNN/ORC poll from Sunday, January 23, showed Sanders with 51 percent support among Iowa Caucus-going Dems, while Clinton shows 43 percent. The poll was taken from Tuesday to Friday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The head of Cruz’s 99 Pastors group, Pastor Joseph Brown, sent an email to over 150 pastors across Iowa on Saturday encouraging them to “prepare to challenge and equip your people for the Iowa Caucus taking place on Monday”. “We can’t let them die on the sidewalks of NY or the sidewalks of Iowa or anywhere else”, Trump said. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at Iowa State University, on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016, in Ames, Iowa.

Candidates for both parties will accumulate delegates from each statewide election along the way based on that state’s population and on the proportion of the vote the candidate receives.

Democrat Bernie Sanders called it a tossup with Hillary Clinton and said every caucus-goer counts.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks at a campaign event at the Adventure Christia …

In late December, on Iowa’s World Health Organization radio, Huckabee said: “If we can’t come within striking distance of the victory or win it, then I think we recognize that it’s going to be hard to take that on to the other states”.

Iowa and New Hampshire are notoriously unpredictable, and their outcomes will propel some candidates onward, and see others drop from the field.

Mrs. Hikin, 36, said she admires Mr. Trump, who has attracted broad support among conservatives and evangelical voters, because he is “aggressive, honest and very bold”.

“Maybe the folks who were deciding among the Rubio-Christie-Bush thing think Rubio has the best chance”, Schwarm said, referring to GOP establishment voters in Iowa. And on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Rubio said that he opposes “virtually everything Barack Obama stands for”. The poll shows that 58 percent of likely Democratic voters have definitely decided on a choice and 17 percent are leaning toward a candidate, while 24 percent are still trying to come to a final decision.

One ad said of Rubio: “Tax hikes”. The poll includes interviews with a random sample of 914 adult residents of New Hampshire, including 409 who say they plan to vote in the Republican presidential primary and 347 who say they plan to vote in the Democratic presidential primary. “He’s a liar. He didn’t even put down on his financial disclosure forms that he borrowed money from banks at low interest loans, lower than you could get, lower than anybody could get”, Trump said. Several of Cruz’s Republican opponents have been “eager to cite a history of political opportunism they say is more in line with a used auto salesman than the “consistent conservative” he claims to be”, notes the Associated Press.


The caucuses begin at 7 p.m. Central time as voters gather at locations scattered around the state.

Donald Trump