
Clinton at peak unpopularity

Donald Trump has moved slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton for the first time since July, according to a new national poll.


The former first lady also faces more scrutiny about her use of a private email server since news broke this week that the Federal Bureau of Investigation recovered 30 emails she deleted that may have been related to the 2012 attack on US compounds in Benghazi, Libya. On the issue of healthcare affordability, 52 percent trust Clinton versus 39 percent who trust Trump to do a better job. They are running closer among registered voters with 59 percent rating Clinton unfavorably and 60 percent viewing Trump as unfavorable.

Trump has not spent money on the sort of sophisticated, but labor-intensive and expensive, turnout efforts that delivered victories to President George W. Bush in 2004 and President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. Bush lost his re-election bid that fall.

Mr. Trump, as in other recent state and national polls, is doing poorly with non-white voters, who support Ms. Clinton 70 percent to 25 percent. Trump was at 63 percent negative and 34 percent positive.

Clinton’s rising unpopularity appears to reflect damage done by controversy surrounding her use of a private email server and alleged conflicts with Clinton Foundation fundraising during her term as secretary of State.

Heather Clinton, a Wellington food blogger and food tour guide, said she would “lean more towards Clinton” in the election.

The fundraising haul is a silver lining on what otherwise was a hard month for Clinton, where questions about her exclusive use of a private email server as secretary of state and questions about pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation hamstrung her campaign.

Clinton then added that building those relationships “certainly takes more than making up for a year of insults by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and flying home again”.

Both were viewed negatively among white voters. “As Clinton has built up her lead, McGinty has risen in her polling because of Clinton”.

Trump choked!” – That was the verdict from Clinton’s campaign chairman after Trump said he and Pena Nieto didn’t discuss who would pay for the wall. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 points for registered voters, and plus or minus 5.6 points for likely voters.

The survey of likely voters by Monmouth University gave Clinton a 43 percent to 38 percent lead over Trump, with 10 percent going to third-party candidates.


The ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted among a random national sample of 1,020 adults from August 24-28, 2016 by landline and cell phone and has a margin of error of 3.5 points.

Marine Le Pen Trump