
Clinton backs Obama’s move to keep US forces in Afghanistan

Keene – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Friday she supports President Barack Obama’s decision to keep 5 500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan when he leaves the White House in 2017. She’s collecting more big-dollar contributions than any candidate in either party among 26 states.


The other candidates who have raised more than $10 million so far in this presidential cycle found the greatest support at familiar stops on the political fundraising circuit. The retired neurosurgeon is ahead of former Republican Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida. Meanwhile, around half of Clinton’s donors last quarter came from maxed-out donors, according to Politico. Smaller donors aren’t required to be identified. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), gives Democrats a major cash advantage over Republicans. The most anyone can donate to one campaign is $5,400, so candidates have to attract lots of donors to build a competitive war chest.

“I will not sit here today and say what I would do upon taking office because, again, we want to bring our troops home”, she said.

With the candidates’ third-quarter fundraising reports now in, the big news seems to be the surprisingly large hauls of two upstart candidates. Perhaps even lower: When Scott Walker left the race in September, his campaign had almost $1 million on hand.

Most of the 2016 contenders released their 3 quarter financial statements to the Federal Election Commission on Thursday.

The geographic distribution of donors also tells the story of a Republican Party without a clear fundraising victor.

Clinton’s chief rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Sen.

In reality, it will take way more than $1 million for a candidate to remain competitive into February of 2016, when the primary elections begin. “Montana has been a stronghold for us since Day One, and we just sort of scratch our heads as to why”, Watts said.

In politics this morning, we’re getting a look at who’s raking in the most cash. Although the billionaire paid for the initial part of his campaign, the most recent fundraising filings show he collected nearly enough contributions to cover his roughly $4 million in expenses between July and September. “People don’t know what to do”. Both of those governors depended heavily on their home states – in fact, more than half of the funds they raised this summer in each case came from New Jersey and Ohio, respectively. But selective data suggests Bush, Cruz and Rubio have the best-funded super PACs among Republicans, with Clinton’s super PACs leading the Dems. Bush led in Florida and Nevada, while Clinton raised the most from Virginia and Colorado.

Republican establishment favorites Bush, Kasich, Christie and Florida Sen. That could raise pressure on candidates such as Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and Chris Christie to bail.

And in another sign that Bush’s fundraising network isn’t all-powerful, Texas Sen. Marco Rubio, Bush’s rival from the Sunshine State, raised only $6 million, but closed the quarter with more cash on hand, $11 million to $10.3 million for Bush.

Cruz has been an easy sell to Texas donors, said his friend and finance committee member Stephen Cox. Now, as the presidential race becomes less whimsical – and more expensive – Pataki and at least half a dozen other candidates seem likely to cash it in soon. “The level of enthusiasm for him among donors here is really quite exciting”.


We characterize a candidate as endangered if they have less than $1 million on hand, since that’s the threshold at which Walker dropped out.

New York City. Rubio who has been experiencing a slight uptick in the polls after strong debate performances has